Our highly trained surgeons specialize in reconstructive surgery in which they utilize intricate and complex surgical techniques to repair defects created after the Mohs procedure to optimize healing and restore proper form and function to the area.
Mohs surgery inevitably results in an open wound (defect) and reconstructive surgery is the process of closing that wound utilizing various surgical techniques. Reconstruction can vary from simply bringing the wound edges together in a linear manner, to skin grafting or even surrounding tissue rearrangement (flap). The extent of the reconstruction will be dependent upon multiple variables including the size and location of the defect.
Wounds that are left to heal on their own or are closed under excessive tension can result in delayed healing and/or impaired function of the area e.g. difficulty moving eyelids, mouth. Depending on the location, wounds that are left to heal on their own may have a less than acceptable cosmetic appearance (stellate pink hard scar).
As every cancer and every face is unique, the art of reconstruction after surgery is a perishable skill that requires an aesthetic approach by a seasoned, well-trained surgeon.
While other reconstructive surgeons including general, ENT (Ear, Nose and Throat), and plastics may have also been trained to repair your defect, our surgeons are uniquely suited to care for you in that they encounter the gamut of cancers and defects on a daily basis. They repair over 2,000 Mohs defects a year and from the first consult to the final check-up they are committed to restoring the aesthetic form and function to your site.